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How to Blog Page Optimization In order to appear more quickly

How to Blog Page Optimization In order to appear more quickly:

1. Enable Compression with GZIP

Modern browsers typically support compression for HTML, CSS and Javascript. Compress the three files will certainly save time loading pages and automatically would be a reduction in download time. The Webmaster smart out there we strongly recommend using the Gzip compression. For techniques and tutorials Gzip please disearch aja ya .. have a lot to discuss. If readers use the Blogspot platform just ignore it because by default compression blogspot itself already supports these techniques. For other users such as WordPress plaform please use Gzip compression is or if do not want to bother pake Gzip should just use WP Super Cache plugin. 

2. Dispose of empty Spaces in the HTML

Discard the empty Spaces as well as in compression techniques, ie by compressing HTML, XML or PHP by removing a space that feels useless. One of them included also in the Inline for Javascript and CSS code. By removing the empty space will certainly save a lot of bytes of data and receive the effects will accelerate the download process. To discard unnecessary Spaces I typically use tools like Notepat + + Editor. It's easy, that is by blocking all the code you want spaces removed and then select the menu TextFX -> TextFX Edit and choose Delete or Delete Blank Lines Surplus Lines Blank.

3. Perform Compression CSS (Stylesheet)

Mechanical compression of CSS is actually quite simple, similar to way above that by removing unnecessary white space. Compacting CSS coding can also be intensified when downloading, parsing and execution time on a page. For simplicity we do the compression on CSS, please use the free tools are already widely available such as YUI Compressor and cssmin.js.

4. Put the CSS (Stylesheet) on Top

Sometimes we do not put the CSS in the header, usually the way we use to create a single style for a particular style on the widget. The webmasters who are experts usually suggest we should call all the CSS code in the page HEAD CSS either Internal or External CSS it should be the one calling in the header.

5. Remove CSS (Stylesheet) are not necessary

When the browser accessing the page, usually have to go through the process of downloading and analyzing each line of code in CSS (stylesheets) in advance, imagine if a lot of useless CSS code that must be processed but not executed at all! This will be very annoying because it would hamper the process should be faster rendering!

6. Validation Check CSS (Stylesheet)

Despite frequent errors in writing the CSS code, broser will not display any error messages on the screen, all executions will continue to run without any error report even though it was only wrong in one letter only. Let's not ignore this error, please check validation. For more mudahya please use free online tools such as the W3C CSS validations

7. The combination of CSS (Stylesheet) in External file

Internal CSS deficiency is only one measure of the swelling capacity (size) on the size of the page. Experienced Webmasters are always suggesting we should do the dialing access code via external CSS, if possible, be great to do a combination of all the CSS code in just one file only. (For Blogger users ignore this technique because it would be great with an internal call)

8. Perform Javascript Compression

Javacsript compression technique similar to the CSS that is by removing unnecessary white space. Compacting javacript coding can also be intensified when downloading, parsing and execution time on a page. For simplicity we do the compression on the javascript please use the free tools are already widely available such as YUI Compressor, and JSMin Closure Compiler

9. Remove Javascript not Need

Like it or not the use javacript (JS) is sometimes very necessary, although JS sometimes makes loading the page will be heavier. When a browser accesses a page, usually have to go through the process of downloading and analyzing the code in JS first, imagine if a lot of JS calls in vain to be processed but not executed at all! Please go back and check the JS code that we think is not useful, re-check and not to park too long, if not used anymore mending delete it! 

10. The combination of Javascript in External file

Almost the same case with the above CSS External, Internal javascript deficiency is only one measure of the swelling capacity (size) on the size of the page. Experienced Webmasters are always suggesting we should make the call through an external access, if possible even better do a combination of all of JS coding in only one file only. (For Blogger users if possible you should call through the internal files only, please read again hosting solutions internally javasript)

11. Perform Image Optimization

Dynamic websites without a decorated picture would not attract sufficient, but excessive use of the image will be a problem when the browser to download the page. Should reduce the unnecessary images, especially on images that have a large enough size. If it is forced to use it, you should do optimization of the image by way of compression without compromising picture quality. My suggestion please use Yahoo!

12. Forced Do not Scale Images in HTML

Avoid using large images just because we can adjust the width and height in HMTL, We were able to rearrange the pictures as they pleased through CSS or the html tags <img> as in the following <img width = "100" height = "100" src = "gambar.jpg" /> even though the actual image size is 200x200px should not shrink by resetting the scale of the image, it would be better to create an image 100x100px accordance with the actual image size.

13. Avoid blank image SRC

Dialling SRC tag to the image common to the two possibilities, either through HTML or memalui <img scr=""> Javascript var img = new Image (); img.src = ""; even though the browser ignores this request if the image is empty, still it is through the rendering process which should not overload the server. Please check back blank SRC, If it does not use mending textareas.

14. Check Back Broken link

The link was dead would not like the reader, let alone readers .. although search engines do not like this. Do check broken links as often as possible, many tools on the Internet that can perform this task, one that can best use the tools of the W3C Checklink

15. Remove widgets or plugins that do not need

Widget that too much just makes the page so more weight, especially the widget is not very useful. Please re-separated, we aggregated widgets maanfaat if nothing at all like installing clocks and calendars. Ask yourself what's the point put hours on the blog, if only as a timepiece trus .. what's the point h at taksbar windows?


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